曾鈺婷 Yu-Ting Tseng
職稱:副教授 |
學歷:美國明尼蘇達大學人體運動學博士 |
專長:發展協調障礙、兒童動作發展、本體感覺測量、感覺動作控制、運動與認知、特殊族群體育、韻律體操、瑜珈、舞蹈 |
聯絡方式:03-5715131分機71527 |
- 國家衛生研究院群體健康科學所 博士後研究員
- 美國明尼蘇達大學臨床動作科學研究中心 研究助理
- 美國明尼蘇達大學人體感覺動作控制實驗室 研究助理
- 美國明尼蘇達大學人體運動學系 運動生物力學課堂助教
- 美國明尼蘇達大學人體運動學系 運動生物力學實驗課講師
- 美國明尼蘇達大學運動休閒中心 Zumba團體課程舞蹈教師
- 美國明尼蘇達大學人體運動學系 動作發展課堂助教
- 106年美國明尼蘇達大學教育學院補助研究生出席研討會
- 106年美國明尼蘇達大學教育學院研究生畢業典禮獎助金
- 105年美國明尼蘇達大學優秀博士論文計畫獎
- 103年教育部留學獎學金體育學門受獎人
- 100年成功大學斐陶斐獎項
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Tsai, C. L., Chen, F. C. (2023). Motion sense sensitivity of the ankle is abnormal and linked to lower motor performance in children with and without developmental coordination disorder. Human Movement Science. 92, 103157
- Tran, H., Tseng Y. T., Chen, S., Wu, S. K. and Li, Y. C.* (2023) Moderation of parental socioeconomic status on the relationship between birth health and developmental coordination disorder at early years. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 11:1020428. doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1020428. (SCIE Journal in Pediatrics category) [Impact Factor: 3.569 in 2022 Ranking: 38/130 (29.23%)]
- Li, Y. C., Tseng, Y. T., Hsu, F. Y., Chao, H. C., & Wu, S. K*. (2023). Developmental Coordination Disorder and Unhealthy Weight Status in Taiwanese Children: The Roles of Sex and Age. Children, 10(7), 1171.
- Tseng, Y. T., & Hsu, H. J*. (2023). Not only motor skills but also haptic perception is impaired in children with developmental language disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 134, 104412, 1-12. (SSCI Journal in Rehabilitation category) [Impact Factor: 3.000 in 2022 Ranking: 12/73 (16.40%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Tsai, C. L., Wu, T. H., Chen, Y. W., & Lin, Y. H. (2023). Table tennis, as a method of sensorimotor training, induces haptic and motor gains in children with a probable developmental coordination disorder. Motor Control. 27(3), 480-497 (SCI Journal in Sports Science category) [Impact Factor: 1.422 in 2020 Ranking: 77/116 (66.38%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Lin, Y. H., Chen, Y. W., Tsai, C. L., & Chen, F. C. (2022). Impaired wrist position sense is linked to motor abnormalities in young adults with a probable developmental coordination disorder. Neuroscience Letters, 772, 136446. (SCI Journal in Neuroscience category) [Impact Factor: 3.064 in 2020 Ranking: 186/273 (68.13%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Pan, C. Y., Tseng, Y. T., Chen, F. C., Chang, Y. C., & Wang, T. C. (2021). Acute effects of high-intensity interval training and moderate-intensity continuous exercise on BDNF and irisin levels and neurocognitive performance in late middle-aged and older adults. Behavioural Brain Research. 10;413:113472 (SCI in Behavioral Sciences category) [Impact Factor: 3.332 in 2020; Ranking: 17/53 (32.08%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Chen, F. C., Tsai, C. L., & Konczak, J (2021). Upper limb proprioception and motor function in young pianists. Human Movement Science. 75, 102748. (SSCI Journal in Psychology, Experimental category) [Impact Factor: 2.096 in 2019; Ranking: 40/89 (44.94%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Tsai, C.L., & Chen, F.C. (2020). Wrist proprioceptive acuity is linked to fine motor function in children undergoing piano training. Journal of Neurophysiology. 124(6), 2052-2059. (SCI Journal in Physiology category) [Impact Factor: 2.234 in 2019 Ranking: 49/81 (60.49%)]
- Chen, F. C.*, Pan, C. Y., Chu, C. H., Tsai, C. L., & Tseng, Y. T. (2020). Joint position sense of lower extremities is impaired and related to balance function in children with developmental coordination disorder. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 52(8). doi:10.2340/16501977-2720 (SCI in Rehabilitation category) [Impact Factor: 2.046 in 2019; Ranking: 20/68 (29.41%)]
- Chiu, Y. K., Pan, C. Y., Chen, F. C., Tseng, Y. T., & Tsai C. L.* (2020). Behavioral and cognitive electrophysiological differences in the executive functions of basketball players as a function of playing position. Brain Sciences. 10(387), 1-15. (SCI in Neurosciences category) [Impact Factor: 2.786 in 2018; Ranking: 142/267 (53.18%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Holst-Wolf, J.M., Tsai, C.L, Chen, F.C, & Konczak J. (2019). Haptic perception is altered in children with developmental coordination disorder. Neuropsychologia. 127, 29-34. (SCI Journal in Psychology, Multidisciplinary category) [Impact Factor: 2.889 in 2017 Ranking: 17/85 (19.41%)]
- Holst-Wolf J. M., Tseng, Y. T., & Konczak, J* (2019). The Minnesota Haptic Function Test Tool. Frontiers in Psychology. 10: 818. (SSCI Journal in Psychology, Experimental category) [Impact Factor: 2.180 in 2017 Ranking: 39/135 (28.52%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Chen, F. C., Tsai, C. L., & Konczak, J (2019) Position sense dysfunction affects proximal and distal joint in children with developmental coordination disorder. Journal of Motor Behavior. 51(1), 49-58. (SSCI Journal in Sport Science category) [Impact Factor: 1.327 in 2016; Ranking: 53/81 (64.82%)]
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Chen, F. C., Tsai, C. L., & Konczak, J (2018). Wrist position sense acuity and its relation to motor dysfunction in children with developmental coordination disorder. Neuroscience Letters. 674, 106-111. (SCI Journal in Neuroscience category) [Impact Factor: 2.180 in 2016 Ranking: 180/259 (69.30%)]
- Van de Winckel*, A, Tseng, Y. T., Chantigian, D., Lorant, K., Zarandi, Z., Buchanan, J., Zeffiro, T. A., Larson, M., Olson-Kellogg, B., Konczak, J., Keller-Ross M. L., (2017) Age-related decline of wrist position sense and its relationship to specific physical training. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 11:570. (SSCI Journal in Psychology category) [Impact Factor: 3.209 in 2016; Ranking: 17/77 (21.43%)]
- Tseng, Y. T., Khosravani, S., Mahnan, A., & Konczak, J*. (2017). Exercise as medicine for the treatment of brain dysfunction: evidence for cortical stroke, cerebellar ataxia, and Parkinson’s disease. Kinesiology Review, 6(1), 30-41.
- Wang, C. H., Tseng, Y. T., Liu, D., & Tsai, C. L.* (2017). Neural oscillation reveals deficits in visuospatial working memory in children with developmental coordination disorder. Child Development, 88(5), 1716-1726. (SSCI Journal in Psychology, Education category) [Impact Factor: 4.195 in 2016; Ranking: 3/58 (5.17%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Pan, C. Y., Chen, F. C., & Tseng, Y. T. (2017). Open- and closed-skill exercise interventions produce different neurocognitive effects on executive functions in the elderly: A 6-month randomized, controlled trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9(294), 1-16. (SSCI Journal in Geriatrics & Gerontology category) [Impact Factor: 4.504 in 2016; Ranking: 7/49 (14.29%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Chen, F. C., Pan, C. Y. & Tseng, Y. T. (2016). The neurocognitive performance of visuospatial attention in children with obesity. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1033), 1-10. (SSCI Journal in Psychology, Multidisciplinary category) [Impact Factor: 2.323 in 2016; Ranking: 33/128 (25.78%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Wang, C. H., Chen, F. C., Pan, C. Y., Huang, S. Y., & Tseng, Y. T. (2016). The effects of different exercise types on visuospatial attention in the elderly. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 26, 130-138. (SSCI Journal in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism category & SCI Journal in Sports Science category) [Impact Factor: 2.809 in 2016; Ranking: 7/45 (15.56%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Wang, C. H., & Tseng, Y. T. (2012). Effects of exercise intervention on event-related potential and task performance indices of attention networks in children with developmental coordination disorder. Brain and Cognition, 79(1), 12-22. (SSCI Journal in Psychology, Experimental category & SCI Journal in Neurosciences category) [Impact Factor: 2.823 in 2012; Ranking: 17/83 (20.48%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Chang, Y. K., Hung, T. M., Tseng, Y. T., & Chen, T. C. (2012). The neurophysiological performance of visuospatial working memory in children with developmental coordination disorder. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 54(12), 1114-1120. (SCI Journal in Pediatrics category & Clinical Neurology category) [Impact Factor: 2.675 in 2012; Ranking: 18/121 (14.88%)]
- Tsai, C. L.*, Pan, C. Y., Wang, C. H., Tseng, Y. T., & Hsieh, K. W. (2011). An event-related potential and behavioral study of impaired inhibitory control in children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(3), 1092-1102. (SSCI Journal in Rehabilitation category & Education, Special category) [Impact Factor: 2.959 in 2011; Ranking: 4/66 (6.06%)]
- 洪采君、曾鈺婷* (2023) 音樂專家之動態觸覺與不同面向的動作能力。大專體育學刊。25(2), 183 -195。(TSSCI)
- 曾鈺婷* (2023)。本體感覺與動作能力間之互惠性。體育學報。56(3),251-268。(TSSCI)
- 曾鈺婷,蔡佳良*,陳振裕。(2012)。不同身體活動量老年人執行視覺空間注意力之認知電生理表現。大專體育學刊,14(2),208-218。(TSSCI)
- 王駿濠,蔡佳良*,涂國誠,曾鈺婷,蔡馨栴。(2010)。從事件相關電位探討羽球訓練對女大學生視覺空間工作記憶的影響。大專體育學刊,12(4),29-43。(TSSCI)
- 曾鈺婷,蔡佳良*。(2010)。阻力運動訓練對老年人認知功能之輔助效益。大專體育,111,67-74。
- Tseng, Y. T.* , Chen, Y. W., Lin, Y. H. (2023). Event-related brain potentials in response to lower limb proprioceptive stimuli in young adults with a probable developmental coordination disorder. The 29th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Paris, France.
- Tseng, Y. T.*, Chen, Y.W., Lin, Y.H. (2021, September). Wrist Proprioceptive Deficits on Motor Dysfunction in Young Adults with Probable Developmental Coordination Disorder. Internaltional Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 19, pp. S535-S536.
- Tseng, Y. T.*, & Konczak, J. (2021, May). David Sugden: Are Proprioceptive Deficits an Underlying Feature of Developmental Coordination Disorder?. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Vol. 43, pp. S4-S4.
- Tseng, Y. T., Liu, C.C., Chen, Y.W., C.L., Lin, Y.H., (2020, January 18). Upper limb proprioception and motor function in young pianists. 2020 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting (TSCN), Tainan, Taiwan.
- Tseng, Y. T., Chen, Y.W., Liu, C.C., Tsai, C.L., Chen, F.C., (2019, July 3-6). Somatosensory dysfunction in children with developmental coordination disorder. The 25th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Prague, Czech Republic.
- Konczak J., Tseng, Y. T., Holst-Wolf, J.M. (2019, June 11-13) Do children with developmental coordination disorder have proprioceptive deficits and do these sensory deficits predict their motor problems? 2019 NASPSPA, Maryland Baltimore, USA
- Van de Winckel A*, Tseng Y.T., Chantigian D, Lorant K, Zarandi Z, Buchanan J, Konczak J, Zeffiro T, Olson-Kellogg B, Larson M, Keller-Ross M (2017 October 28). Mapping Age-Related Changes in Wrist Proprioception. Archive of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 98(10): e80-e81.
- Tseng, Y. T., Konczak, J. (2016 November 9) Hand position sense in children with developmental coordination disorder: Introducing a new method to measure proprioception. American Society of Neurorehabilitation (ASNR) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA
- Tseng, Y. T., Elangovan, N., Konczak, J. (2016 November 11) A new simple objective method to measure haptic proprioception. Society for Neurorehabilitation (SFN), San Diego, CA, USA
- Tseng, Y. T., Tsai, C. L., Pan, C. Y, Chen, C. Y., & Wang, C. H. (2011, May 31-June 4). Eletrophysiological performance on visuo-spatial attention task between older adults with different levels of physical activity. ACSM’s 58th Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. 43(5), S90. (oral presentation)
- Tseng, Y. T., Tsai C. L., Wang C. H., Pan C. Y., & Hsieh, K. W. (2010, June 1-5). Deficits in the exogenous control of covert visuospatial attention in children with poor motor coordination. ACSM’s 57th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 42(5), S302.
- Tseng, Y. T., Tsai, C. L., Chen, T. C., Hsieh, K. W., & Yu, C. W. (2010, December). Behavioral Performance on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory Task in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder. 2010 Physical Education and Exercise Annual Meeting. Taipei, Taiwan.
- 計畫名稱:運動訓練對發展協調障礙者本體感覺與動作能力之神經可塑性 執行期限:2022-2024 編號:111-2410-H-007-015-MY2
- 計畫名稱:探討發展協調障礙者體感覺與動作困難之障礙機轉與運動介入其神經可塑性之效益 執行期限:2021-2022 編號:110-2410-H-007-085
- 計畫名稱:發展協調障礙兒童上下肢本體感覺與動觸覺特徵 -橫向與縱向研究 執行期限:2019-2021 編號:108-2410-H-007-088-MY2
- 計畫名稱:探討兒童本體感覺之發展光譜、其對於動作障礙之機制、與特殊運動訓練介入對本體感覺之效益 執行期限:2018-2019 編號:107-2410-H-007-100
- 計畫名稱:數位化學前兒童發展測量系統之發展 執行期限:2023-2024 編號:112-2823-8-007-006
- 計畫名稱:發展性語言障礙兒童之動作、感覺、程序缺損:邁向統整性架構的一步? 執行期限:2021-2023 編號:110-2410-H-007-023-MY2
- 計畫名稱:探討發展協調障礙兒童與一般兒童下肢動態觸覺與其異常足部姿勢之關聯性 執行期限:2023/07/01~ 2024/02/28 計畫編號:112-2813-C-007-082-H
- 計畫名稱:不同動作協調程度成年人經過Zumba有氧舞蹈訓練後下肢本體感覺與動作能力之表現 執行期限:2022/07/01~ 2023/02/28 計畫編號:111-2813-C-007-034-H
- 計畫名稱:利用心理物理閾值法探討動作協調困難成年人下肢踝關節位置覺與動作能力之關聯性 執行期限:2021/07/01~ 2022/02/28 計畫編號:110-2813-C-007-119-H
- 計畫名稱:探討不同運動項目大專運動員腕關節本體感覺與動作技巧特殊性 執行期限:2020/07/01~ 2021/02/28 計畫編號:109-2813-C-007-076-H
- 計畫名稱:探討發展協調障礙成年人動態觸覺:心理物理閾值測量研究 執行期限:2020/07/01~ 2021/02/28 計畫編號:109-2813-C-007-077-H
- 計畫名稱:探討發展協調障礙成年人視覺空間注意力表現:腦波事件相關電位(ERP)研究 執行期限:2019/07/01~ 2020/02/28 計畫編號:108-2813-C-007-034-H
- 95年全國韻律體操錦標賽個人全能第一名、繩第一名、球第一名、棒第一名、帶第一名
- 94年全國運動會韻律體操成隊第二名、個人全能第四名
- 94年全國韻律體操錦標賽個人全能第二名、繩第一名、球第三名、棒第一名、帶項目第二名
- 93年全國韻律體操錦標賽個人全能第一名、環第一名、球第一名、棒第一名、帶第一名
- 92年全國韻律體操錦標賽個人全能第一名、環第一名、球第一名、棒第一名、帶第一名
- 92年全國運動會韻律體操個人全能第一名,成隊第二名
- 91年釜山亞運會表演花式跳繩項目
- 91年全國韻律體操錦標賽團體第一名、成隊第一名、個人全能第一名、個人繩第一名、環第一名、球第一名、棒第一名
- 91年泛太平洋韻律體操錦標賽成隊第六名
- 91年中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽,代表中華台北參加棒、環兩項目
- 91年日本OHK盃瀨戶內新體操國際賽,繩第一名,球第一名
- 90年全國韻律體操錦標賽 團體第一名、成隊第一名、個人全能第一名、個人繩第一名、環第一名、球第一名、棒第一名
- 90年獲選青少年民俗運動訪問團花式跳繩項目
- 90全國運動會韻律體操雙金:個人全能第一名、 成隊第一名
- 89年獲選青少年民俗運動訪問團花式跳繩項目
- 89年當選體育節優秀運動選手表揚
- 89年全國韻律體操錦標賽團體第一名,成隊第二名,個人全能第二名,繩第一名,環第一名,球第二名,棒第三名
- 88年獲選青少年民俗運動訪問團花式跳繩項目
- 88年全國韻律體操錦標賽團體第二名,成隊第二名,個人球第一名,帶第二名
- 88年台灣區運動會韻律體操棍棒項目第八名
- 87年獲選青少年民俗運動訪問團舞獅、民俗舞蹈項目
- 87年全國韻律體操錦標賽團體項目第二名,個人繩第三名,球第三名,徒手第三名,帶第三名
- 86年全國韻律體操錦標賽團體組第一名,徒手第二名
- 85年全國韻律體操錦標賽團體組第二名,球第三名,徒手第三名
- 85年台灣區中華民俗舞蹈比賽高雄市北區個人組中國民俗舞第一名
- 84年台灣區中華民俗舞蹈比賽全國決賽而中國古典舞第二名
- 84年台灣區中華民俗舞蹈比賽高雄市北區個人組中國古典舞第一名
- 83年台灣區中華民俗舞蹈比賽高雄市北區個人組中國民俗舞第一名
- 82年台灣區中華民俗舞蹈比賽高雄市北區個人組中國民俗舞第一名