


陳豐慈 Feng-Tzu Chen









  • 國立清華大學運動科學系助理教授
  • 中國醫藥大學運動醫學系助理教授
  • 日本筑波大學體育學系助理教授
  • 台灣運動心理學會常務理事
  • International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Assistant Editor
  • 運動表現期刊編輯委員
  • 科技部博士後研究員
  • 美國匹茲堡大學心理學系訪問學者


  • 中華民國兒童神經精神科學,勵翔獎
  • 國立體育大學,110學年度傑出校友(學術研究類)
  • 台灣心理學會,中華心理學刊青年學者獎
  • 國立基隆高中,94周年校慶傑出校友(學術類)
  • 科技部,109年度博士後研究人員學術研究獎
  • 國立臺灣師範大學,109年度學術論文暨專書獎助
  • 亞洲運動學研討會,新科運動心理學博士授證
  • 亞洲暨南太平洋運動心理學會,Atsushi Fujita獎學金
  • 北美身體活動心理學研討會,三分鐘論文口頭發表之優勝者
  • 競技與健身心理學研討會,傑出海報獎
  • 亞洲運動學研討會,年輕學術研究獎


國際期刊論文 (SSCI/SCI/國際官方期刊)

  1. Ren, F. F., Hillman, C. H., Wang, W. G., Li, R. H., Zhou, W. S., Liang, W. M., Chen, F. T.*, & Chang, Y. K*. (2024). Effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive function in adults with major depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology SSCI, IF: 8.8, ranking in Psychology, Clinical, 5/131, Top 4%, Q1
  2. Geng, X. L., Ai, J. Y., Wang, C. C., Chen, F. T.*, Chang, Y. K* (2024). Effects of Volume-Matched Acute Exercise on Metacognition in Late Middle-Aged Adults: The Roles of Exercise Intensity and Duration. Progress in Brain Research. SCI, IF: 2.62, ranking in Neurosciences, 215/275, 78%, Q4
  3. Ren, F. F., Feng, S. H., Li, R. H., Chu, C. H., Chang, Y. K., Chen, F. T.* (2023). The Effects of Acute Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on the Planning Aspect of Executive Functions in Children with Preterm Birth. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. SSCI, IF: 3.30, ranking in Psychology, Applied, 37/83, 44%, Q2
  4. Chen, F. T., Feng, S. H., Nien, J. T., Cheng, Y. T., Chen, Y. C., Chang, Y. K. (2023). Effects of Acute Moderate-intensity Exercise on Executive Function in Children with Preterm Birth: A Randomized Crossover Study. Early Human Development.SCI, IF: 2.70, ranking in Pediatrics, 63/130, 48%, Q2
  5. Chen, Y. C., Li, R. H., Chen, F.T., Wu, C. H., Chen, C. Y., Chang, C. C. & Chang, Y. K. (2023). Acute Effect of Combined Exercise with Aerobic and Resistance Exercises on Executive Function. Peer J. SCI, IF= 2.70; Ranking in Multidisciplinary Sciences: 36/73, Q2
  6. Chu, C. H., Kao, S. C., Hillman, C., Chen, F. T., Li, R. H., Ai, J. Y., Chang, Y. K. (2023). Effect of volume-matched acute aerobic exercise on inhibitory control in late middle-aged and older adults: A neuroelectric study. Psychophysiology. SSCI, IF: 4.35, ranking in Psychology, experimental, 23/97, 24%, Q1
  7. Ren, F. F., Alderman, B. L., Wang, W. G., Chen, F. T., Zhou, W. S., Zong, W. J., Liang, W. M., & Chang, Y. K. (2023). Effects of exercise training on executive functioning in adults with depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Sports Medicine.SCI, IF= 11.93; Ranking in Sport Sciences: 3/88, Top 5%, Q1
  8. Kao, S. H., Chen, F. T., Moreau, D., Drollette, E. S., Nagy, C., Amireault, S., Chu, C. H., Chang, Y. K. (2022). Acute effects of exercise engagement on neurocognitive function: A systematic review and meta-analysis on P3 amplitude and latency. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology. SSCI, IF: 7.42; ranking in Psychology, applied, 12/83, 14%, Q1
  9. Chen, F. T., Soya, H., Yassa, A. M., Li, R. H., Chu, C. H., Chen, A. G., Hung, C. L., Chang, Y. K. (2022). Effects of exercise types on white matter microstructure in late midlife adults: Preliminary results from a diffusion tensor imaging study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. SCI, IF= 5.702, ranking in Neuroscience: 66/274, 24.1%, Q1
  10. Huang, T. Y., Chen, F. T., Li, R. H., Hillman, C. H., Cline, T. L., Chu, C. H., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K. (In press). Effects of acute resistance exercise on cognition: A systematic review of the moderating role of intensity and executive function domain. Sports Medicine - Open. SCI, IF: 6.77, ranking in Sport Science, 7/87, 8%, Q1
  11. Chang, Y. K., Erickson, K. L., Aghjayan, S. L., Chen, F. T., Li, R. H., Shih, J. R., Chang, S. H., Huang, C. M., & Chu, C. H. (2022). The multi-domain exercise intervention for memory and brain function in late-middle-aged and older adults at risk for Alzheimer’s disease: A protocol for Western-Eastern Brain Fitness Integration Training (WE-BFit) trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11, 227. SCI, IF= 5.702, Ranking in Neuroscience: 66/274, 24.1%, Q1
  12. Chang, Y. K., Karageorghis, C. I., Wang, C. C., Li, R. H., Chen, F. T., Fang, R. Y., & Hung, T. M. (2022). Effects of exercise intensity and duration at a predetermined exercise volume on executive function among apolipoprotein E (APOE)-ɛ4 carriers. Current Psychology. SSCI, IF = 4.297, Psychology, Multidisciplinary, 23/140, 16%, Q1

Ren, F. F., Chen, F. T., Zhou, W. S., Cho, Y. M., Ho, T. J., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K. (2021). Effects of Chinese mind-body exercise on executive function in middle-aged and older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. SSCI, IF= 2.07; Ranking in Psychology, Multidisciplinary, 45/138, 32.25%, Q2

  1. Ai, J., Chen, F. T., Hsieh, S. S., Kao, S. C., Chen, A. G., Hung, T. M., & Chang, Y. K. (2021). The effect of acute high-intensity interval training on executive function: A systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public, 18(7), 3593. SSCI, IF= 2.85; Ranking in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health, 32/171, Q1
  2. Chen, F. T., Etnier, J. L., Chan, K. H., Chiu, P. K., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K. (2020). Effects of exercise training interventions on executive function in older adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Sports Medicine, 50(8), 1451-1467. SCI, IF= 11.13; ranking in Sport Sciences: 2/83, 1.77%, Q1
  3. Chen, F. T., Hopman, R. J., Huang, C. J., Chu, C. H., Hillman, C. H., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K. (2020). The effect of exercise training on brain structure and function in older adults: A systematic review based on evidence from randomized control trials. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(4), 914.SCI, IF =3.30; ranking in Medicine, General & Internal= 36/165, 11.62%, Q1
  4. Chen, F. T., Erickson, K. I., Huang, H., Chang, Y. K. (2020). The association between physical fitness parameters and white matter microstructure in older adults: A diffusion tensor imaging study. Psychophysiology, 57(5), e13539. SSCI, IF= 3.69; ranking in Psychology, experimental:11/77, 13.64%, Q1
  5. Chen, F. T., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K. (2020). Reply to Zimmer et al.: Comment on: “Effects of Exercise Training Interventions on Executive Function in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and MetaAnalysis”. Sports Medicine. Letter to Editor
  6. Zhang, L., Chu, C. H., Liu, J. H., Chen, F. T., Nien J. T., Zhou, C. & Chang, Y. K. (2020). Acute coordinative exercise ameliorates general and food-cue related cognitive function in obese adolescents, 38(8), 953-960. Journal of Sports Sciences. SCI, IF= 2.81; ranking in Sport Science: 20/83, 24%, Q1
  7. Chen, F. T., Chen, Y. P., Schneider, S., Kao, S. C., Huang, C. M., Chang, Y. K. (2019). Effects of exercise modes on neural processing of working memory in Late middle-aged adults: An fMRI study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11, 224. SCI, IF= 4.36; ranking in Geriatric & Gerontology, experimental: 9/51, 16.66%, Q1
  8. Chang, Y. K., Chen, F. T., Kuan, G., Wei, G. X., Chu, C. H., Yan, J., Chen, A. G, Hung, T. M. (2019). Effects of acute exercise duration on the inhibition aspect of executive function in late middle-aged adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11, 227. SCI, IF= 3.63; ranking in Geriatric & Gerontology, experimental: 17/53, 32%, Q2
  9. Chu, C. H., Chen, F. T., Pontifex, M. B., Sun, Y., & Chang, Y. K. (2019). Health-related physical fitness, academic achievement, and neuroelectric measures in children and adolescents. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17(2), 117-132. SCI, IF= 2.11, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 30/56, 52.7%, Q3
  10. Chen, F. T., Etnier, J. L., Wu, C. H., Cho, Y. M., Hung, T. M., Chang, Y. K. (2018). Dose-response relationship between exercise duration and executive function in older adults. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(9), 279. SCI, IF =5.68, ranking in Medicine, General & Internal= 15/160, 9.17%, Q1
  11. Liu, J. H., Alderman, B. L., Song, T. F., Chen, F. T., Hung, T. M., & Chang, Y. K. (2018). A randomized controlled trial of coordination exercise on cognitive function in obese adolescents. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 34, 29-38. SSCI, IF= 2.88, ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 9/50, 18%, Q1
  12. Chen, F. T., Chen, S. R., Chu, I. H., Liu, J. H., & Chang, Y. K. (2017). Multicomponent exercise intervention and metacognition in obese preadolescents: A randomized controlled study. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 39(4), 302-312. SSCI, IF= 2.4; ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 16/50, 32%, Q2
  13. Chang, Y. K., Chu, C. H., Chen, F. T., Hung, T. M., & Etnier, J. L. (2017). Combined effects of physical activity and obesity on cognitive function: independent, overlapping, moderator, and mediator models. Sports Medicine, 47(3), 449-468. SCI, IF= 5.58; ranking in Sport Sciences: 3/81, 3%, Q1
  14. Chang, Y. K., Alderman, B. L., Chu, C. H., Wang, C. C. Song, T. F., Chen, F. T. (2017). Acute exercise has a general facilitative effect on cognitive function: A combined ERP temporal dynamics and BDNF study. Psychophysiology, 54(2), 289-300. SSCI, IF= 3.12; ranking in Psychology, experimental:12/85, 14%, Q1
  15. Song, T. F., Chi, L., Chu, C. H., Chen, F. T., Zhou, C., Chang, Y. K. (2016). Obesity, cardiovascular fitness, and inhibition function: An electrophysiological study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1124. SSCI, IF= 2.32; ranking in Psychology, multidisciplinary:33/129, 25%, Q1
  16. Hung, T. M., Tsai, C. L., Chen, F. T., & Wang, C. C., Chang, Y. K. (2013). The immediate and sustain effect of acute exercise on planning aspect of executive function. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14, 728-736. SSCI/SCI, IF=1.77; ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport, & Tourism: 8/38, Q1
  17. Chang, Y. K., Ku, P. W., Tomporowski, P. D., Chen, F. T., & Huang, C. C. (2012). Effects of acute resistance exercise on late-middle-aged adults' goal planning. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 44(9), 1773-1779. SCI, IF=4.48; ranking in Sport Sciences: 4/84, Top 5%, Q1
  18. Chang, Y. K., Pan, C. Y., Chen, F. T., Tsai, C. L., & Huang, C. C. (2012). Effect of resistance-exercise training on cognitive function in healthy older adults: A review. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 20, 497-516. SSCI/SCI, IF=1.85; ranking in Gerontology: 11/31, Q2; Ranking in Sport Sciences: 29/84, Q2
  19. Chang, Y. K., Chu, I. H., Chen, F. T., & Wang, C. C. (2011). Dose-response effect of acute resistance exercise on Tower of London in middle-aged adults. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 33(6), 847-865. SSCI/SCI, IF=2.66; ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 2/36, Q1
  20. Chang, Y. K., Tsai, C. L., Hung, T. M., So, E. C., Chen, F. T., & Etnier, J. L. (2011). Effects of acute exercise on executive function: A study with a Tower of London Task. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 33(6), 866-883. SSCI/SCI, IF=2.66; ranking in Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism: 2/36, Q1

TSSCI期刊論文 (Taiwan SSCI Journal)

  1. 洪辰歆、吳亭葶、陳豐慈*、施家如、張育愷 (2024)。身體活動對乳癌患者認知功能之影響 [Effects of Physical Activity on Cognitive Function in Breast Cancer Patients]。台灣運動心理學報。【通訊作者】
  2. 劉羿德、陳奕良、陳豐慈* (2023)。桌球運動課程對孩童執行功能之立即與延續效果 [The immediate and sustained effects of table tennis program on executive function in children]。體育學報。【通訊作者】
  3. Lo, Y. H., Ai, J. Y., Kao, S. C., Chen, F. T.*, Chang, Y. K. (2023)The effect of acute exercise on executive functions in people with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment: A review。中華體育季刊,37卷,1期,25-40頁。【通訊作者】
  4. 鄭伊婷、粘瑞狄、Garry Kuan陳豐慈*、張育愷 (2023)。虛擬實境健身運動對認知功能之影響:系統性回顧 [Systematic review of the effect of virtual reality exercise on cognitive functions across the lifespan]。中華體育季刊。【通訊作者】
  5. 艾競一、陳豐慈、張育愷 (2021)。以擴散張量成像視角探討退役運動員腦震盪與大腦白質結構之關聯:系統性文獻回顧。中華體育季刊,35卷,3期,197-208頁。
  6. 蕭方慈、陳豐慈、念裕祥、林季燕、楊高騰、張育愷 (2021)。多面向健身運動訓練與老年人認知功能之文獻回顧 [A review of multi-modal exercise training and cognitive functions in older adults]。臺灣運動心理學報,21卷,1期,47-72
  1. 陳豐慈、粘瑞狄、吳治翰、楊高騰、張育愷 (2020)。急性健身運動與認知功能:國際歷史與臺灣研究發展 [Acute exercise and cognitive function: International history and Taiwan research development]。中華心理學刊,62卷,2期,195-216頁。
  2. 陳豐慈、詹貴惠、馮勝賢、吳聰義、高士竣、張育愷 (2019)。新觀點:健身運動與營養補充劑對認知老化之影響 [New perspective: Effect of exercise and nutritional supplements on cognitive function in older adults]。體育學報,52卷,S期,1-15頁。
  3. 蕭姵臻、張育愷、陳豐慈* (2019)。早產兒認知功能與身體活動之文獻回顧 [Cognitive function and physical activity in children with preterm birth: A review]。中華體育季刊,33卷,4期,251-260頁。【通訊作者】
  4. 齊璘、陳豐慈、王俊智、粘瑞狄、張育愷 (2020) 急性健身運動與執行功能之前導研究:家庭收入之調節角色 [A preliminary study of acute exercise and executive function: The moderating role of family income]。體育學報,53卷,3期,327-340頁。
  5. 陳豐慈、黃植懋、王俊智、張育愷 (2018)。身體活動與老年大腦功能:功能性磁共振造影的研究回顧 [Physical activity and the aging brain: A review of functional magnetic resonance imaging studies]。教育心理學報,50卷,2期,363-388頁。
  6. 陳豐慈、齊璘、張育愷 (2018)。健身運動對倫敦塔作業之影響:文獻回顧與未來展望 [The effects of exercise on Tower of London task: Literature review and future perspective]。中華體育季刊,32卷,1期,63-73頁。
  7. 馮勝賢、陳豐慈、陳代聖、粘瑞狄、張育愷 (2018)。中等強度急性健身運動對早產兒計畫相關執行功能之影響 [Effects of planning-related Executive functions in preterm born children following acute exercise at moderate intensity]。大專體育學刊,20卷,1期,16-28頁。
  8. 陳豐慈、祝堅恆、齊璘、吳治翰、張育愷 (2017)。運動介入對輕度認知損傷老年人認知功能之影響:文獻回顧與未來展望 [The influence of exercise intervention on cognitive function in older adults with mild cognitive impairment: An overview of past research and future prospects]。臺灣運動心理學報,17卷,1期,131-154頁。
  9. 張育愷、宋岱芬、陳豐慈 (2017)。國際綜評性論文之分析 [Analyses of international review article]。體育學報,50卷,4期,375-384頁。
  10. 宋岱芬、陳豐慈、祝堅恆、齊璘、劉思聰、張育愷 (2017)。肥胖、心血管適能與抑制相關執行功能之關係:事件相關電位研究 [Obesity and cardiovascular fitness associated with inhibition of executive function: An ERP study]。體育學報,50卷,1期,43-56頁。
  11. 楊文中、陳豐慈、吳聰義、陳麗華、張育愷 (2016)。健身運動對記憶相關認知功能之影響 [Effects of exercise on memory related cognitive function]。臺灣運動心理學報,16卷,2期,57-84頁。
  12. 陳豐慈、祝堅恆、楊高騰、張育愷 (2015)。孩童心肺適能、認知功能與大腦之關聯:以核磁共振造影研究進行回顧[Cardiovascular fitness is associated with cognitive functions and brain in children: A review of magnetic resonance imaging studies]。臺灣運動心理學報,15期,2卷,149-168頁。
  13. 齊璘、陳豐慈、祝堅恆、張育愷 (2014)。男大專生身體適能與認知功能之關聯 [Relationship between physical fitness and cognitive function in male college students]。大專體育學刊,16卷,3期,311-320頁。
  14. 陳豐慈、王俊智、祝堅恆、張育愷 (2013)。急性有氧健身運動對計畫相關執行功能之影響 [Effect of acute aerobic exercise on planning-related executive function]。體育學報,46卷,1期,45-54頁。
  15. 陳豐慈、王俊智、齊璘、張育愷 (2013)。急性健身運動對計畫相關執行功能在立即與延續時間之影響:前導研究 [Effects of acute exercise on immediate and sustained time in planning of related executive function: A preliminary study]。大專體育學刊,15卷,1期,29-39頁。
  16. 王俊智、陳豐慈、齊璘、張育愷 (2012)。急性健身運動時對威斯康辛卡片分類測驗之影響 [Effect of acute exercise on Wisconsin card sorting test]。大專體育學刊,14卷,3期,75-84頁。



  • 科技部補助編號 (112-2410-H-039-007)
  • 計畫名稱:急性阻力健身運動劑量對老年人執行功能之影響:大樣本之事件關聯電位研究

2023/08~2024/07 計畫主持人

  • 教育部112年度運動科學支援競技運動計畫
  • 計畫名稱:以整合性心理訓練課程造就青少年桌球選手的巔峰競技表現

2022/08~2023/07 計畫主持人

  • 科技部補助編號 (111-2410-H-039 -012)
  • 計畫名稱:身體活動、靜態行為、急性健身運動在老年人執行功能之影響:事件關聯電位研究

2023/07~2024/02 大專生研究計畫指導教授

  • 科技部補助編號 (112-2813-C-039-027-H)
  • 計畫名稱:急性健身運動搭配不同劑量咖啡因對執行功能之影響


  • 教育部111年度運動科學支援競技運動計畫
  • 計畫名稱:單次運動按摩對射箭表現之影響:執行功能之調節角色
  • 協同主持人:吳聰義教授

2022/07~2023/02 大專生研究計畫指導教授

  • 科技部補助編號 (111-2813-C-039-040-H)
  • 計畫名稱:同時探討身體活動與靜態行為對執行功能之影響:不同生活型態者之差